You feel that, don't you?

A niggle you can’t wiggle out of - no matter what box you check next.

I’ve been there. Heck, sometimes I’m still there! That’s the beauty in being human - none of us have it all figured out all the time. But the one thing I have, without a doubt, most certainly figured out?

Impact comes from action. Even when we don’t feel sure or ready.

Hi, I'm Kate!

Playful artist, colour lover and occasional field frolicker building the wonky little octagon of my dreams.

How? I follow my breadcrumbs of heart sparks to show you that you GET to live your YES LIFE.

That you get to LOVE your life even when you don’t know where you’re going.

AND, that you get to expand your tolerance for doing scary new things on the journey to creating the impact you really desire - limitations and convention be damned. 

Join me in my zest for life on an adventure of infinite possibility!

Read my story

Level up the impact of your business


Give your audience the spark they didn't know they needed

Invigorating spirit and infectious messaging will have your audience actually paying attention. Better yet, they’ll leave your event with more clarity than they came in with, feeling more ready than ever to take the reins on their life.

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Empower guests to unlock creativity and build self-trust through play.

Two words: explorative co-creation. Because we can’t action our dreams when we’re afraid to get uncomfortable. Or worse, afraid to fail. Well there’s no failure in art - only choices, lessons and more choices. Let your guests play, learn and discover what they’re capable of when they’re presented with unrestricted opportunity under guided facilitation.

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Create a vital hub that connects visitors to your brand.

Your business wasn't meant to blend in. Yet, the average business plays it safe and follows trends.

Why Space Matters:

  1. Team Performance: A well-designed space boosts performance, employee retention and attracts talent by improving how your team feels.
  2. Client Experience: An energizing space enhances client trust, builds confidence in their purchasing decisions and increases the likelihood of referrals.

Have them before hello:

Do your business (and clients) a favour by bringing high impact design decisions into your space that make them want to come back and spread the word.

Elevate your space

Inject soul in to your home with original art. There's nothing quite like being greeted every day by a one of a kind painting that sparks joy in your heart.